Act 1, Scene 5

Act 1, Scene 5

Act 1, Scene 5: 2012-2016 The financial challenges of the previous year gave focus for Broadway Rose’s management and board of directors in 2012. With grant funding from the Oregon Cultural Trust and the James F. and Marion L. Miller Foundation, Broadway Rose hired...

PDX-mas Director’s Note

A Note from the Director: Dan Murphy There are two things the United States of America can count on every year on the first Monday in October: a term of the Supreme Court begins, by statute, and the Broadway Rose holiday show begins music rehearsals.  The leaves have...
Act 1, Scene 4

Act 1, Scene 4

Act 1, Scene 4: 2007-2011 After the Tigard-Tualatin School District’s board approved Broadway Rose’s proposal to renovate an abandoned cafeteria building at the Charles F. Tigard Elementary School and turn it into a theater, planning ramped up in 2007 for the...

Artist Spotlight: Gene Dent

“Finding light in a world full of darkness” is one of the central aims of Fly By Night, and creating the light is that of the lighting designer. Together with the other members of the creative and technical teams, this key position is responsible for telling the story...

Director’s Notes: Fly By Night

A Note From the Director: Isaac Lamb “If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch you must first invent the universe.” – Carl Sagan As I sit here on the eve of our first rehearsal for this quirky, warm-hearted, romantic show, this quote from one of my...
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