Artist Spotlight: Jeffrey Childs

ne of the greatest contributors to a show is also one of the least visible: the music director. Whether hidden in the “pit” or tucked behind scenery, this member of the creative team is charged not only with conducting the orchestra or band during performances, but...
Act 1, Scene 2

Act 1, Scene 2

Act 1, Scene 2: 1997-2001 The Broadway Rose’s first five seasons were full of optimism, creativity, and pluck. The company’s four co-founders accomplished a near miracle in starting a new theatre in Tigard. The next five seasons would prove to be a transitional period...
Act 1, Scene 1

Act 1, Scene 1

Act 1, Scene 1: 1984-1996 The Broadway Rose story began on July 11, 1984. During a summer stock production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat in Shamokin Dam, Pennsylvania, young actors Dan Murphy (from New York) and Sharon Maroney (from Wisconsin) locked...
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