Broadway Rose Theatre Company believes in the power of musical theatre to bring people together through the universal language of music and movement. With professional productions, educational camps and workshops for children and teens, and hands-on training for emerging artists and technicians, we pursue our mission to create unparalleled musical theatre experiences that invigorate audiences and enrich our communities.
Artists, audiences, students, and community members are maximizing every inch of building space and overflowing into temporary and rented workspaces to join us in this work. We have the opportunity to expand our facility so that individuals can more fully access and participate in musical theatre, while we continue to present productions of exceptional artistic quality.
The time for this critical expansion is now. We are ideally positioned to launch this next stage with a robust base of loyal and enthusiastic supporters, long-term relationships with community leaders, a healthy, debt-free financial standing; a proven record of responsible stewardship of resources, and a strong, stable staff. In addition, we have signed a new lease with the Tigard-Tualatin School District to ensure our home for decades to come.
Our budget for this project is $3.5 million. With over $3.4 million already committed from our strong base of support, we now need your help to raise the remaining funds needed to open our doors wider to the community.
NEW STUDIO SPACE to facilitate artistic development, support education programs, and accommodate community partnerships.
Uses include:
- Rehearsals
- Camps and workshops
- Audience engagement experiences
- Special events and performances
- Community partnership activities such as play-readings, civic forums, and meetings
COSTUME SHOP and ENLARGED SCENIC to bring creative teams and resources under one roof, eliminate the expense of renting space off-site, reduce waste, improve access, and expand capacity.
ADDITIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES to support the needs of the Broadway Rose staff.
“After ten years at the New Stage, Broadway Rose is in a wonderful position to deepen its community connections and develop new offerings. The board of directors enthusiastically supports expanding the building to achieve this.”
– Jan Leone, president of the Board of Directors

Broadway Rose’s $3.5 million expansion will be made possible by our board-designated cash reserve, foundation and corporate grants, and gifts from individuals who share our vision for the future of our community.

Our construction plan will enable us to continue presenting our mainstage productions without interruption as the following improvements are added:
- Studio space with square footage to accommodate New Stage and Deb Fennell stage footprints for rehearsals
- Audio/visual system to facilitate flexible needs, including special events and community use
- Enlarged scenic shop to house construction and storage of scenery, eliminating the need for rented space
- Costume and prop storage to reduce waste, eliminate off-site storage expenses, and reduce labor
- Additional office space for creative collaboration
- Improved public visibility and exterior signage
“Broadway Rose has developed into an inclusive, cultural hub…We support their efforts to create a lasting legacy of professional theatre in Tigard.”
– Debi Mollahan
CEO, Tigard Chamber of Commerce
Help us create a lasting legacy of professional musical theatre in our community.
More Ways To Give
CHECKS – The easiest and most direct way to make a gift is by writing a check to Broadway Rose Theatre.
IRA DISTRIBUTION — According to the IRS, if you are 70 ½ years old, and are taking required minimum distributions (RMDs) from your IRA, you can avoid paying income tax (up to $100,000) by making a qualified charitable distribution directly to Broadway Rose Theatre. Checks must come directly from your retirement account rather than a personal check.
APPRECIATED SECURITIES – You can gift appreciated stocks, bonds, and mutual funds to Broadway Rose Theatre through your broker and receive several tax advantages, including avoiding capital gains tax. You receive a charitable donation credit on the market value of the securities. Download the stock donation form here.
LIFE INSURANCE – It is possible for policyholders to receive dividends paid to their life insurance policies in cash and donate them to charity. The dividends donated are deductible in the same manner as premiums paid on a gifted policy. You may also gift a policy outright or name Broadway Rose Theatre as a beneficiary as a legacy gift.
Note: Please discuss any planned gift arrangements with your attorney or tax accountant.
Broadway Rose Theatre Company is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization with IRS tax identification number 93-1069099
In The News
by Andi Prewitt
Willamette Week, May 25, 2021
The expansion should mean that Broadway Rose will return stronger than ever… Read more.
Broadway Rose moves forward with $3.3M expansion
by Ray Pitz
The Times, May 10, 2021
After years of planning, Broadway Rose Theatre Co. has officially begun work on an expansion of its New Stage theater… Read more.
Adventures in inner & outer space
by Bob Hicks
Oregon ArtsWatch, Aug. 19, 2019
As self-employed Portland theater workers throw a party to help them buy a house, Tigard’s Broadway Rose launches a $3 million expansion… Read more.
Broadway Rose announces $3 million expansion
KOIN 6, Aug. 12, 2019
“This is going to make us more accessible to civic and community organizations in an area that rely on us for space,” Jones said… Read more.

Expansion Campaign Donors
Gift and pledges received as of 4/15/2022
Anonymous (29)
Kayline & Michael Allison
Dick & Jan Andersen
Alan Anderson & Ron Daum
Annette Arrieta
Tyrene Bada, CRM
Larry & Jan Baker
Vlasta Becvar Barber
D.R. Barrow
Rick & Joyce Beadnell
Barbara Beale
Timothy S. Bellefleur
Cheryl Bittle
Dick & Larraine Brannan
Marge & Steve Brenneke
Patsy & David Britton
Diana & Fred Broadwater
Janna Brown
Larry & Shelly Brown
Jane Brown
Patsy Bruggere
Diane & Gary Buckley
Carol & Paul Budke
Estate of Leigh Bunkin
Estate of Bob & D. J. Burgess
The Burchfield Family
Patricia Callaghan
Liz Carlson
Diane & Brian Christensen
City of Tigard
Betty & Paul Clark
Jonathan Clark
Jim & Eileen Clarkson
Mark Clift & Jeff Knapp
Terry Cockrell
Susan Coe
Frieda G. Cohen
Jo Collins & David Gisborne
Marcia Colton
Bonnie Conger
John L. & Terri Cook
Christine Corcoran &
Ann Sherman
John Cornyn
Ralph Cox
Gerry Craig
Randy & Terri Crockett
Elma Cutler
Judy & Ned Cutright
Lorraine Davidson
Judy Deal
Colin & Rochelle Deans
Elaine & Dale DeHarpport
Sally Demos
Gayle & Art DeRosia
Verlene DeRosia
Lynn DeStefano
Emily & Adam Dew
Carol & Richard Dickey
Craig & Jackie Dirksen
Rep. Margaret Doherty
Sylvia & Bill Dorney
Geoff & Saralyn Dougall
The Downes Family
Sharon Downey & Ken Hittle
Margaret Dragoon & Joe Murrell
Dream Envision Foundation/
Ellyn Bye
Jeff Duncan
Marian & Bill Dunlap
Bob Dunstan & Gayle Miller
Annie & Bill Durham
Lee Ann & John Earlenbaugh
Tony, Raylene & Taylor Eilers
Karen & Peter Emerson
Paul & Linda Erickson
Grant & Mary Ellen Farr
Ralph & Nancy Fear
Janet Feldman
Richard & Peggy Forcier
Bill Fuegy
Barbara & Cindy Gaines
Barbara Gasuen
Dawn Geier
The George Asakawa Fund In
Honor Of Toshiko Asakawa
Laury & David Girt
Sharon Gitt
Linda Gratteri
Claudia Green
Lorraine Griffey & Herb Mohn
David Guile
Jo & Alex Guletsky
Richard & Karen Haltiner
Tonya Hamilton
Ulla-Britt Hanson
Sarah C. Harlan
Shirley Harrison
Dana Hartwig & Stephen Kern
Barbara Haun
Richard & Carol Heinichen
Marilynn & Ralph Helzerman
Duke & Pam Henslee
Heidi Heydlauff
Barbara & Ron Higbee
Bill & Doreen Hight
Brian and Gayle Hill Family
Charitable Trust
Andrew Hoffmann &
Linda Morrisson
The Family of Janet Holland
Laura Holloway
Helen Honse & Bert Cornick
Ginger Horn
M.L. Humphreys
Lyla J. Husband/Husband
Family Fund of the Oregon
Community Foundation
Marilyn K. Hutchison
Paul & Matt Egbert-Irvin
Mark & Nancy Irwin
Myra Jackson
Paul Jacobs
Bill & Johanna Jansen
Roberta Janssen
Doug Jenkins & Mike Boyles
Jean Johnson
Keith & Janie Johnson
Karen & Dennis Johnson
Chuck Jones
deShauna Jones & John Aarons
Glenice Jones
Bill Jordan, DMD
John & Susan Judkins
Terri Kaiser & Dawn Marie
Susan Kara
Jennifer Keltner
Larry & Judy Keltner
Robert Kemp
Jerry & Lynn Kenyon
Mary & Jerry Kerns
Lois & Jim King
Joan Kingsley
Jerome Kleffner
Donna Kloster
Diane Knox
Kim Knox
Martin & Cynthia Kolb
Donna & Bill Krauthoefer
Tyler Kubat & Katrina Christiansen
Ronni S. Lacroute Fund of OCF
Isaac Lamb & Amy Frankel
Denise Lane & Mark Prey
Mark Larsen
Barbara & Stuart Larson
Becky Larson
Brooke Larson
Kittie Larson
Jan & Bruce Law
Chris & Stephanie Lee
Rorie & Jan Leone
Benjamin Levy
Beth Levy & Allen Gurney
Jim & Mary Lewis
Fay Littlefield
Erin Lommen NO LLC & Jay H.
Edwin and Peggy Luckman
M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust
Sue Mann
Sally & Alan Marble
Ellen Maroney
Margaret Maroney
Sharon Maroney & Dan Murphy
Jim Marquard & Babetta Chiarito
Dixie & Chuck Marsh
Charles & Linda Marshall
Marilyn Masters
Patty Matsukado
Darrel & Jan Mattoon
Phil & Kimm McBeth
Mary McConnel
Jan McFadden
Linda McGlothlin
Linda & Harry Meyer
Barbara Miller
Carol & Michael Miller
Dick & Jane Miller
Paul & Judy Miller
Ted & Fran Miller
Laurie Minger
Michael & Nic Miramontes
Nancy & John Moore
Brian Moen & Andrea Hackett
Allison Mudrick
Marilyn Mulhall & Ron Nutting
Leah & Norb Murray
Eugene & Kathy Nelson
Ann & John Nicholas
Mary Ann Nicholas
Joyce Nunn
Sue O’Donnell
Florence & John Olsen
Gretchen Olson in honor of
Jim & Gloria Hohn
Ron & Kathie Olson
Sallie Olson
Oregon Community Foundation
Oregon Cultural Trust
Terry & Mary Owen
Barbara K. Padden
Heather Pahl
Judy Palmer
Sharron L. Patapoff
Bonnie & Jim Pavel/Pavelcomm
Lawrence and Marlene Payne
Larry Pederson
Carol Lee Perry
Judith Roake Perry
Sally & Jim Peters
Jackie & Al Pierce
Harvey & Sandy Platt
Connie Polits
Sue & Duane Pond
Linda & Gary Pope
George Post
Dorothy Poznanski
Victoria Pratt
Wally & Bettsy Preble
Judy Probstfield & Lyle Albro
Sadie Pullen
Carol Raimundo
Mari Raney
George Reay &
Sandy Desmond
Gerry & Joann Reese
Ken & Christy Reese
Derek & Holly Richards
Herbert & Maureen Richardson
Dr. Susan Rieke-Smith
Christie & Gene Rivas
James & Rita Rivera
Bev Wells & Lisa Francolini /
RiverWest Acupuncture Clinic
Vera Rojas
Gretchen Root
Ozzy & Coralie Rose
Norman & Judith Rosenbloom
Robert & Marilyn Rosenow
Jan Rosenthal
Sue & Dennis Roshak
Lisa Shaw & Weston Roth
Suz & Mick Ruddock
Carol Rutherford
Gretchen Sabo
Bunny & Jerry Sadis
Lynette Sahnow
Michael Sands & Jane Robinson
Amaya Santamaria
Janet Schaefer & Jonathan West
Rick & Margie Schermerhorn
Alison Schrupp
Maureen & Thomas Schultz
Peter Scott
Margo Sercu
Jo Shapland & Doug Browning
Barbara Sherman
Bob & Judy Silverforb
Lisa Simeoni
David Smidebush
Janet V. Smith
Joe & Fran Smith
Pamela Sourh
Erik Spurrell
Laura Spurrell/Micah Fund
of the OCF
Susan Stark Haydon &
Michael Haydon
State of Oregon
Scott Stephens & Leslie Houston
Lynn & Jim Stevens
Janica Stewart
Pat Stupur
Jim & Mim Sturgill
Pam & Darrell Sutherland
Alice Suyematsu
Myrl Svela
Janiece Swann
Bev Swanson
Karen Swanson
Bliss & Peter Talbott
Gary Taliaferro
Tom & Debbie Taylor
Linda Tell
Joe Theissen & Malia Tippets
Tom Theissen
Katy & Dave Thielen
Marilyn & Rick Thomas
Alan & Elizabeth Thresher
Sarah & John Tillery
Lee & Sharon Torland
Shirley & Jim Tormey
Travel Oregon/Travel Portland Regional
Cooperative Tourism Program
Carole Trenko
Susan Auerbach Triplett
Suzan Turley
Linda & Bruce Ulrich
Lee & Lauren Underwood
Ann Uphoff
Cathy & Eric Vause
Joyce Venjohn
Erin K. Olson & Karyn D. Vincent
Jack Vogel
Washington County Visitors
Judy Werner
Dawn & Charlie White
Ruth White
Colleen Willis
Bryan & Maureen Wolf
Sandy Wolfe
Jon & Jill Woodworth
David & Carol Wright/
The Wright Family Charitable
Fund of Fidelity
Marsha Yandell/Yandell
Family Fund
Cherie Yokota
Dick & Margaret Zahler
Claudia & Dennis Zerba
Deb Zita & Maryka Biaggio
Agnes Zueger