Featured Sponsor
Regards from Broadway Rose
Fall 2023
Mark and Trish Banning opened Banning’s Restaurant & Pie House in late 1979. Throughout its 44 year history, this small family business has remained a favorite local eatery, surviving the challenges of the restaurant industry, the impact of Covid, and even a fire in early 2023.
Before opening their own restaurant, Mark and Trish had both worked in the hospitality industry in various capacities since they were teenagers. “We were both farm kids,” said Trish. “I started working in a local restaurant in my hometown – I wasn’t even 16 yet.” From washing dishes to prep work, cooking to serving, and back of house activities to front, Mark and Trish had done it all, learning the ins and outs of the hospitality industry from the bottom up.
When they opened Banning’s Restaurant & Pie House in August of 1979, the couple received financial support, along with some fairly priceless business advice, from Mark’s brother Craig Banning, owner of J’s Family Restaurant & Lounge in Newberg, Oregon. While running a flourishing restaurant is never easy, the Banning’s contribute their achievement to a few key factors, including business acumen and a disciplined work ethic. “A lot of people think, ‘Oh, I’m a chef, I can cook,’” said Mark. “It’s more complex than that. You have to have a lot of experience behind you and a lot of capital to make it. We had the background and the work ethic, but it’s actually a full-time job just making sure everything is done to compliance with 46 employees.”
Banning’s longevity is also based on the loyalty of their customers. “In a town the size of Tigard you get a lot of regular customers that you don’t get in other places. That’s why a lot of restaurants succeed in this town,” Mark noted. Trish added, “The community is great. Everyone knows each other; everyone comes in. I think that’s why we’ve been successful.”
Although the last few years have been especially difficult for businesses in the hospitality industry, Banning’s has managed to survive and thrive. “People don’t have the trust in going out like they used to,” admitted Mark. “In many aspects, Covid changed the way people dine. There’s definitely more takeout and delivery service, but that was actually a plus to the business in the long run – takeout, delivery is way up compared to what it was before. Covid made it easier for people to enjoy getting food to take home versus going out, but it took away from the inside business.”
The restaurant also sustained damage in early 2023 from a fire which ended up shutting down operations for a few months. “We got a lot of support both during Covid and after the fire,” said Trish. “During Covid a couple of people even wrote checks and said, ‘Give this to your employees. We want you to succeed and stay in business.’”
When asked how they would sum up the success of Banning’s Restaurant & Pie House, Trish answered, “I guess the recipe would be employee and customer loyalty. After the fire, 46 out of 47 employees came back after the 3 months it took for repairs.” Mark added, “It’s just how you treat them. We’ve got staff that have been here for 25 years. We take care of them. We always have, through Covid and through the fire – between the insurance and myself they got full pay for that three months. That breeds loyalty.”
In addition to running a thriving restaurant, Mark and Trish Banning are also loyal patrons and corporate sponsors of Broadway Rose Theatre Company. Mark and Trish first heard about Broadway Rose through neighbors, attending their first show Always…Patsy Cline in 2018. “It just blew me away,” Trish said. The Bannings attended additional shows after that, making the decision to become corporate sponsors in 2020. “I love that theatre – the fact that it’s small, and in a neighborhood with parking,” said Trish. “I rarely go to downtown Portland, and it’s just so nice to have topnotch shows right here in Tigard. So many of our customers who love Broadway Rose would come to eat beforehand, so we thought we’ll put some money into it.”
Our sincere thanks to Banning’s Restaurant & Pie House for their generous support. We appreciate their faith in the theatre and its mission, and we look forward to seeing them in the lobby for many years to come!