Lobby facts!
Regards from Broadway Rose
Spring 2024
While cigarette machines may be a sign of the times, the relic machine of the past has a new purpose: art. Repurposed from an old cigarette machine, the Art-o-mat® was invented in 1997 by artist Clark Whittington. What was born out of an interactive piece for an art show eventually lent itself to over 200 active machines in the country, dispensing work from artists all over. And one of those active machines exists at Broadway Rose Theatre Company. So how did it get the Art-o-mat® into our lobby?
Karen Van Hatcher brought the Art-o-mat® to Broadway Rose in 2019. Fascinated by this idea of an art vending machine, Karen contacted Clark Whittington to sponsor a machine. The machine features a special design of a mirror etched with a rose: “Each machine is unique, ranging from whimsical to elegant, and everything in between,” explained Karen. “When each machine is ready, a driver is hired to bring it to the location, in our case, clear across the country!”
Looking at the machine, there are many different options for artwork. The artists featured in the machine are in network with Clark Whittington’s “Artists in Cellophane” program. This program allows artists to share their work with over 200 individually embellished machines in the United States, as well as overseas. Karen gives the Artists in Cellophane ordering system ideas about what type of art she thinks will be well received at the theater. Ranging from jewelry, paintings, fiber weavings, wire figures, and more, Karen chooses the artists and once she receives the work, can stock the machine. The Art-o-mat® is restocked every other month after each show run and always features a variety of different artworks and artists.
The Art-o-mat® serves as a fun way to learn about new artists and to own a piece of art that is unique. But it can also serve as a way for artists to get their work out in the public. Artists looking to get their pieces into the machines can submit a prototype to Artists in Cellophane. If their art gets approved, they create 50 pieces and get paid for the set. This makes the artwork available all over the nation and beyond. Karen is also a contributing artist: “I use my calligraphy to make little artist books, under the name ‘Bitty Books,’” explained Karen. “I make books for fun, but artists can include their websites on, or in, the cartons to advertise their wares.”
Next time you’re in the lobby, take your pick of the unique pieces of art in the machine. Not only are you supporting artists, but you’re also sustaining the efforts of creative repurposing.